FlowerWhat is a Paramanu? What is a Pentaquark?

Our world unfurls itself to us more today than it ever has before.

We encourage you to search out the answers to these and other important questions.

Rather that supply our own answers this time, we would like to offer up the following quote from Gothic Funk Epistle #3, #4, and #5, dated April 15, 2007:

"The Gothic Funk Movement needs to set aside, for the next year or so at least, I think, all that talk about Post-Modernism. Instead, it should throw more parties and do more projects with live music and dancing."

Amen to that!

What is the Paramanu Pentaquark?

That we can answer.

The Paramanu Pentaquark is a journal seeking Gothic Funk submissions in three categories: sounds, images, and words. These categories include, but are not limited to, plays, films, essays, poems, prose, photographs, sketches, paintings, videos, cartoons, spoken word, and music.

For a brief presentation of Gothic Funk, please consult What is Gothic Funk? - A Manifesto in the form of Bullet Points

Our projects and statements have been documented in their entirety at http://www.gothicfunk.org/gothicfunk/

Submit your entry for the next issue of the Paramanu Pentaquark at http://www.gothicfunk.org/parapenta/submissions/

View the online version of the Paramanu Pentaquark at http://www.gothicfunk.org/parapenta/